21 Ways to Appreciate the Coming Fall Season

21 Ways to Appreciate the Coming Fall Season


 Ways to Celebrate the Last Days of Summer

Do you want to learn some fun ways to appreciate the coming fall season? It may still be warm outside, but you can still smell the sweet smell of fall approaching. This time of transition is an opportune time to create memorable and educational experiences for students. Engaging in various activities can not only make the most of the remaining summer days but also provide valuable learning opportunities across different subjects. The following are 20 fun-filled activities that incorporate science, math, social studies, agriculture, health, English, writing, and spelling lessons that you can teach this season.

Outdoor Science Expedition (Science)

Explore your local park or nature reserve and have children observe plants, insects, and animals. Encourage your students to document their findings in a nature journal. In their nature journal, they can sketch pictures and note their observations.

Solar System Stargazing (Science)

Teach a lesson about the solar system. Then, you can consider having your students do some stargazing in their own yard. But, before heading off to spend some time outdoors in nature, have them create a homemade telescope using cardboard tubes and magnifying glasses. They can use these to identify planets and constellations.

Historical Scavenger Hunt (Social Studies)

Design a scavenger hunt in your school’s neighborhood or town. Have your students identify as many historically significant landmarks as they can. You can then going into a lesson on the historical events from your town’s history.

Consider planning a class field trip to your local museum, or you can visit the historical sites in your town. Your students will have a blast while learning about local history.

Leaf Scavenger Hunt (Science, Writing, Reading)

You can do a simple, good ole fashion scavenger hunt for the various types of leaves to help teach your students how to appreciate the coming fall season. You can start by having your students scout for different leaves. These leaves can be used to launch a discussion on the various types of leaves and how their different systems work.

Reading Time! Grab a book about leaves and read it to the class.

You can also have your students write about what they learn about leaves from class in a science journal. They can do a comparison/contrast using the leaves. Your students could write summaries of what they learned or read about leaves.

Farmer’s Market Field Trip (Agriculture)

Take a trip to the local farmer’s market. This is a great time to grab some of the juicy fruits and vegetables. You can also teach your students about sustainable agriculture practices and the importance of buying locally grown produce.

Plant a Vegetable Garden (Agriculture)

As a country girl, I am a firm believer in the benefits of a garden. Now that the weather is changing, it is a good time to have your students about planting, nurturing, and harvesting plants. You might consider growing a few simple vegetables in your classroom in small buckets or flower pots. If your school permits, you can create a raised garden. This hands-on experience can help your students to really appreciate the fall season while also teaching them healthy eating.

Picnic Time (Health)

Don’t let all that perfect weather go to waste. Now that the temperatures are beginning to drop some, you might want to consider having a healthy picnic in the park or in the nice quiet area of the school playground. Make sure this picnic is a healthy one. Before your class picnic, you should be sure to teach your students about the importance of preparing nutritious snacks and learn about the importance of balanced meals and portion sizes.

Create a Summer Recipe Book (Health, English, Writing)

Recipes of one of my favorite things to use to teach my students to appreciate the coming fall season. With the approach of fall, encourage your students to document their favorite summer recipes in a homemade recipe book. This activity combines health education with creative writing and spelling practice.

Beach Adventure (Environmental Science)

I love spending time at the beach. And, you can carry this activity over into the coming fall season. You can start by discussing the importance of keeping the beach clean. You can also discuss the various sea animals and their life cycle. Discuss the impact of pollution on marine life and their ecosystems.

Community/School Clean-Up

Organize a community clean-up day to instill a sense of environmental responsibility in your students.

Nature Art (Art and Science)

Combine art and science by creating nature-inspired artwork using leaves, flowers, and twigs. And, since summer is still technically here, you can use those summer flowers and dry them to create a variety of crafts.

Don’t forget to explain the science behind most of nature’s creations…photosynthesis. Discuss what photosynthesis is and the importance of nature in art.

Create a Weather Station (Science, Math)

Have fun with nature as fall tips onto the scene. Build a simple weather station using homemade instruments like a rain gauge and an anemometer. Record weather data for a few weeks and analyze trends using basic math.

Community Service Project (Social Studies, English)

Engage in a community service project, such as writing letters to seniors in a local nursing home or making care packages for those in need. This activity promotes empathy and writing skills.

Book Club (English)

Start a book club where children can read and discuss age-appropriate books. Encourage them to write book reviews and share their insights with the group.

Backyard Camping (Science, Social Studies)

Teach children about camping safety, local wildlife, and the importance of preserving natural habitats.

Creative Writing with Story Cubes (English, Writing)

Use story cubes (dice with images) to spark children’s creativity and storytelling abilities. Roll the cubes and have them craft imaginative stories based on the images rolled.

You can create your own story cube. And, it’s up to you whether you go with a fall theme or a summer one.

Spelling Bee (English, Spelling)

Host a friendly spelling bee competition with age-appropriate words. Provide study materials and practice sessions to improve spelling skills. If you want to be competitive, you can make the competition between other classrooms.

DIY Volcano Eruption (Science)

Perform a classic science experiment by creating a DIY volcano eruption. Discuss the chemical reactions and geology behind volcanic eruptions.

Birdwatching and Bird Feeder Craft (Science, Art)

Identify local birds with your kids. Then, have your students create homemade bird feeders to attract them to your classroom window. Learn about different bird species and their migratory patterns.

Water Balloon Phonics (English, Spelling)

Write letters or words on water balloons and have children throw them at targets while calling out the letter or word written on the balloon they hit.

Solar Oven S’mores (Science, Health)

Construct a solar oven using a pizza box and aluminum foil, then make s’mores using solar energy. Discuss the science behind solar heat and the importance of moderation in sweet treats.

Through science experiments, outdoor exploration, creative writing, and social activities, children can gain knowledge and build lasting memories as summer comes to an end. So, make the most of these precious days by instilling a love for learning and fostering curiosity in young minds.

Happy Teaching!

Other Articles to Read:

Using nature in fall lessons
Fall family photo ideas

How to Create a Mini-Garden in Small Spaces with Your Kids This Summer


The Ultimate Guide to Backyard Camping


How to Host a Garden/Tea Party for Your Kids This Summer


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