The Real Reasons Teachers SHOULD Batch Their Lesson Plans

The Real Reasons Teachers SHOULD Batch Their Lesson Plans


Less Stress Lesson Planning for Teachers

You may not like it, but you have to do it. It is one of the cornerstones of your job as an educator. What am I talking about? I’m talking about lesson planning. Lesson planning is one of the essential ways to ensure your students’ success. These strategic plans help to guide your students through the wonders of the educational journey.

However, the process of creating lesson plans can often be time-consuming and stressful, leaving teachers with little time for themselves. It can make you exhausted just thinking about it. Thankfully, there is a better way. Lesson planning doesn’t have to be hard or tedious. Instead, batch create your lesson plans. Why should you batch your lesson plans? The real reason teachers should batch their lesson plans is because it can cut the time you spend planning in half by batch creating those lesson plans.

The Components of a Good Lesson Plan

Before delving into the advantages of batching, let’s briefly discuss the essential components of a good lesson plan. These are the key parts of a lesson plan that make them effective and are aligned with educational objectives.

The Hook

Begin your lesson with an attention-grabbing hook to pique your students’ interest. This could be a thought-provoking question, a PowerPoint presentation, a real-world scenario, a movie clip, or a concept map that relates to the topic. You could even create a gallery walk to intrigue your students before beginning your lesson.


Provide context for the lesson by explaining the learning objectives and how they fit into the broader curriculum. This sets the stage for what students will be learning. This is comes immediately after the hook.


Demonstrate the concepts or skills you are teaching. Use clear and concise language, explanations, examples, and visual aids to help students understand the material.

Guided Practice

Offer opportunities for students to practice the skill with your guidance. This can include group activities, discussions, or hands-on exercises that reinforce what they have learned.

Independent Work

Allow your students to apply what they have learned on their own. This may involve homework assignments, projects, or individual assessments.


Wrap up the lesson by summarizing key points, reviewing the learning objectives, and connecting the lesson to future topics. This helps reinforce the lesson’s importance and relevance.

Characteristics of Effective Lesson Plans

Now that we’ve covered the components of a good lesson plan, let’s explore the characteristics that make a lesson plan truly effective:


An effective lesson plan should be reverse engineered. This means that you begin with the end in mind. Before you start writing the lesson plan, you have your desired learning outcomes at the forefront of your mind. Start by defining clear goals and objectives for each lesson. What do you want your students to learn and achieve? What’s the best way to achieve this?

Short and Concise

Who has all day to do lesson plans? I sure don’t, and neither do you. So, avoid overwhelming yourself with lengthy, complex lesson plans. Keep them short and to the point. Focus on the main points required to meet your objectives.

Reasons & tips on lesson planning for teachers


Use data to drive your lesson planning. Analyze assessment results, and other relevant information to tailor your lessons to your students’ specific needs and learning styles.


Consider your students’ interests, backgrounds, and abilities when planning your lessons. A student-centered approach ensures that lessons are engaging and relevant. This in turn promotes active learning.

Follow District Policy

You may not agree with it. But, always follow district policies when composting your lesson plans. Adherence to district policies and educational standards is crucial. Ensure your lesson plans align with these guidelines to maintain consistency and quality in education.

The Benefits of Batching Lesson Plans

Now that we’ve established the components and characteristics of effective lesson plans, let’s explore the reasons that teachers should batch create their lesson plans.

Saves Time

As an educator, you know how precious time is. You also know that we don’t have a lot of it. So, every minute needs to count. Just like we are told to “Teach Bell to Bell” to maximize instruction. Maximize your own time by batch creating your lesson plans. Batching lesson planning allows you to plan multiple lessons in a single sitting. This approach minimizes the time spent transitioning between tasks and provides a dedicated block of time for focused planning. You can reclaim valuable hours in their week and/or weekend. And, you can use that time practicing self-care.

Decreased Stress

One of the most important reasons that teachers should batch their lesson plans is to decrease stress and anxiety. Teaching can be stressful! And, lesson planning can add to that stress. Batching creating lesson plans can help to alleviate stress by spreading out the planning process. Batching also eliminates the last-minute rush to prepare materials and activities. With well-organized lesson plans, teachers can enjoy a more balanced and less stressful work-life balance.

Enjoyment of Hobbies

Teaching is undoubtedly rewarding, but it’s essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Batching lesson plans can free up your evenings and weekends. This will allow you to pursue your own hobbies, spend time with family, or simply relax. A well-rounded teacher is often a more effective and fulfilled teacher.

Clearly Defined Goals

Batching your lesson plans allows you to see the “big picture”. When you plan multiple lessons at once, it’s easier to see the connections between the lessons and ensure that they align with the educational goals you have for your students.

young teacher working on her lesson plans

Material Gathering

Another reason that you should batch create their lesson plans is that it gives you time to gather the necessary materials and resources for your lessons. Whether it’s printing worksheets, assembling props, or rearranging your students’ desks, having a structured planning schedule ensures that everything is ready when needed.

In the world of education, effective lesson planning is crucial. Batching lesson plans is a powerful strategy that empowers teachers to save time, reduce stress, and enhance the quality of their teaching. By reverse engineering goals, keeping plans short and data-driven, and maintaining a student-centered approach while adhering to district policies, educators can streamline their work and improve their overall well-being. Embracing the benefits of batching not only benefits teachers but also creates a more engaging and effective learning environment for students. So, as you embark on your next lesson planning session, consider the advantages of batching and unlock a world of possibilities for both you and your students.

Other Articles to Read:

Ten Tips for Teachers: Lesson Planning Life Hacks