The Reasons Homework is Beneficial for Students

The Reasons Homework is Beneficial for Students


The Reasons Homework is Beneficial for Students

The debate over homework has raged on for years. Some parents and educators alike have argued the uselessness of assigning students’ homework. Some people have argued that homework is time-consuming, and that it doesn’t truly reflect the ability of the student because many of them cheat on their homework. Despite the protests from students and some parents, homework does have many benefits.

Reinforce skills

Athletes practice. Musicians practice, and entertainers do too. So, why won’t a student? Homework is one of the best ways for a teacher to reinforce skills that have been covered during the regular school day. As the students complete their homework assignment, they are practicing a skill that they have learned during the day. Homework also allows the teacher to see if the students have mastered the skills or objectives that were covered. As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect.

Provide a Quick Assessment

As educators, we are always trying to assess your students. Homework provides a quick and easy way to assess your students learning. Homework assignments don’t have to be long or tedious. It can be short and to the point. Some suggestions are to make homework assignments simple discussion, true or false, or multiple choice. And, I would limit questions to no more than 5 to 10. This will help to make grading easier for you and still provide a decent assessment of where your students are.

Time management

Doing homework teaches students time management skills. Some have argued that doing homework can be time-consuming. This is a possibility. However, doing homework can help students learn how to manage their time. With planning and parental guidance, students can effectively divide their time between studying, doing homework, and pursuing their other interests.

By completing homework assignments, students are developing some of the skills they will need later in life. Time management is a skill that students will need in the future as they enter the workforce or simply juggle the responsibilities of home and family.

Monitor comprehension

A teacher can determine if a lesson was successful by assigning and checking homework. By checking the students’ homework, a teacher can identify the skills that have been mastered and which skills need to be re-taught. Some students may think that they correctly understand a concept until they begin working on their homework independently. I have had plenty students give me the correct answers in class only to turn in homework assignments that revealed their lack of “true” understanding.

Keep Parents Informed

Homework is a way of keeping your parents informed. Assignments that are sent home can allow the parents to see what their child is working on in class.


Homework teaches students about discipline. The students must discipline themselves to complete their homework assignments instead of giving in to the temptation to do other more enjoyable activities like playing video games, watching television, talking on the phone, or playing outside.

Independent learners

Girl working on homework

One of our main goals is to create independent learns. As the students complete their homework assignments, they become independent learners. The students are in charge of their own educational destiny. Because homework is completed outside of the school setting, it puts the students in a position of responsibility. The teacher is no longer the only one responsible for the learning process. Each student becomes a key player in their own educational process.

Parental Involvement

Do you want to increase parental involvement? Then, assign homework. Most parents will take an active role in completing homework assignments if the students are younger. Even parents of older students are more likely to get involved in the learning process as they help their child with homework assignments.

Parent/Teacher Relationships

Homework assignments can also help to better develop parent/teacher relationships. It can build trust between them both and open up lines of communication.


Parents can usually control if their young children complete their homework assignments or not, but older students are harder to monitor. My own son rarely told me if he had homework or not as he got older. It was only after a thorough check of his bookbag did I discover homework assignments.

So, by choosing to complete a homework assignment, the students are not only getting the extra practice needed to reinforce a skill or concept, but they are learning how to motivate themselves. With each assignment the students complete, they become more self-reliant and self-motivated. These traits help to prepare them for other challenges like going to college or holding down a job.

Address various Learning Styles

Not all students learn the same. Just like there are a variety of jobs that going the construction of a car, there are a variety of ways in which a child can learn. Whenever possible, teachers should address the various learning styles. The reality of the classroom is that things can be hectic during the regular school day. Even with careful planning, it can be hard to cater to the various learning styles in the classroom.

However, home bound assignments can be created to address the various learning styles. Assignments can be project based. It can require students to complete research on different topics. It can have a craft component. The homework assignment may even involve the students watching short video clips. A cooking activity that involves the whole family can also be a homework assignment.

So, whenever possible, teachers should make homework assignments fun and interactive. This way the chances are greater that those assignments will actually be completed.

How will you know which types of assignments to use? Have your students complete interest inventories. Interest inventories can provide helpful insight into the learning styles of each of your students.

Homework is an essential part of the learning process. It is a great way for teachers to reinforce the skills that have been covered earlier in the day. It provides the student with extra practice.  Homework can also be uses a tool for evaluating students’ progress. It gives the teacher a chance to see which students need help, and it also helps the teacher identify areas that need to be re-taught. Students become independent learners and active participants in their education by choosing to complete their homework assignments. It also helps to bridge the gap between school and home.

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