The Reasons Teachers NEED a Break During the Summer

The Reasons Teachers NEED a Break During the Summer


It’s becoming an alarming trend. Teachers are no longer OFF during the summer months. More and more school districts are requiring teachers to attend workshops and/or Professional Development during their summer break. Many districts see this move as a way of protecting classroom instruction. But, is this really what it is all about? Could this be a way of getting more work out of teachers for the same amount of pay? Regardless of what the motives of the school districts are, most teachers actually NEED their whole summer break. Here are 5 reasons why:

  • Family vacation time
  • Time with Children
  • Doctor/Dental Appointments
  • Improve mental health
  • Time for hobbies
  • Time for self-reflection & improvement
  • Time to work second jobs/side hustles
  • Time to catch up on TV shows

Family Vacation

Teachers are asked to plan family vacations and other events during the summer instead of during the school year. And, this is what most teachers do. Now, it seems teachers are expected to once again rearrange their vacation schedules to fit those of their school district.

Time with Children

Putting vacations aside, summer is the time when many teachers spend more quality time with their kids. Let’s be honest. It’s hard to have quality family time while school is in session. I know it is for me. Even though my son lives with me, there are times when we don’t see each other as much. Football practice, football games, and other extracurricular activities make it hard to spend quality time with him. And, since both his father and I are teachers, we have our plates full. Try to juggle the commute to work, after-school meetings, and other school related events make it difficult to find time to spend with Devin.

And, what about those parents who share custody with their former partners? What about the parents who only get to spend extended time with their children during the summer months? Extending the school year over into the summer months may force some teacher to have to choose between spending time with their children or spending more time at work.

Delayed Appointments

Teachers are often asked to reschedule/postpone doctor’s appointments and trips to the dentist until school is out in the summer. Requiring teachers to attend mandatory workshops is forcing some teachers to continue to neglect their own personal health. 

As I mentioned earlier, it isn’t uncommon for school districts to ask their teachers to reschedule appointments or put off procedures for the summer break.

I, unfortunately, know of a teacher who died needlessly. She refused to have a medical procedure done that she needed because she didn’t want to miss work. She also didn’t get regular check ups for fear of being reprimanded or replaced.

I will also never forget looking at one woman’s photo of her dad that she posted on social media. He was in a hospital bed grading papers. Cute, right. I thought so too until I read the caption. The woman stated that her dad chose to grade those paper only moments before being wheeled in to surgery. Sadly, this picture was the last photograph of her father alive. And, what was he doing? Grading papers.

Preventative Measures for Mental Health

We’ve all been there. Whether you admit it or not. Whether you are a teacher or not. There have been days at work where you didn’t think you could take it anymore. The paperwork was piling up. Your family was being more demanding than ever. And, your job keeps adding more and more to your already full plate. You were sitting on the edge.

And, I know some people can’t imagine why a teacher would have a mental break down. But, they can, and they do experience mental breakdowns.

The truth is that we all need a break some times. Teachers are no different. And, summer break is when many teachers decompress and refocus.

Happy beautiful family with kids on a tropical beach vacation

Requiring them to attend another meeting or workshop during summer break is only adding to the stress and frustration that they already feel. Deep breathing, journaling, and mediation are all great techniques for relaxion. However, there are times when a person needs to distance themselves from the thing that is causing them anxiety in the first place. This is another reason why an uninterrupted summer break is needed.


I can’t tell you how times I’ve had to put something I wanted to do on hold for school. The long hours and demands of the profession make it difficult to pursue anything outside of work. Teachers need the summer time to focus on those hobbies.

Self-Improvement & Self-Reflection

As human beings, we are continuously changing and evolving. And, hopefully, we are improving ourselves along the way. Summer break offers teachers time to take courses to further their education.

It also gives teachers the chance to read those books that they have been yearning to read. These self-improvement books can help a frustrated teacher refocus. I know I couldn’t wait to mash “click” on Amazon to grab those books that I have been dying to read, but that I didn’t have the time for while I was grinding away at work.

Summer break offers teachers the time they need to reflect on the school year that just ended. They can take this time to determine what things worked and what things didn’t work, so that they can implement changes the next school year.

Side Hustles

Teaching is not a lucrative profession. And, many teachers are forced to work more than one job in order to make ends meet. Some teachers take on extra hours or work side hustles during the summer months. By forcing teachers to attend meetings during the break, districts are cutting into those extra funds.

Binge TV Show

Okay. I admit it. I turn into a movie and television junkie during the summer. I love catching up on my favorite shows during the summer break. And, so do many other teachers.

Watching your favorite television show or listening to music may not be as healthy as walking, but they are great ways to relax during the summer.

Summer is a sacred time for many teachers. For those of us who need it in order to release the woes of one school year that just passed, jumping headlong into mandatory workshops and meetings during the summer aren’t the way to go.

Other Articles to Read:

Many teachers need a side hustle to cover living expenses

‘I do not have 2-3 months off’: Teachers on summer break are working, a lot

The Mental Health Crisis Causing Teachers to Quit

20 of the Best Summer Jobs for Teachers