Ultimate Back-to-School Self-Care Guide for Teachers

Ultimate Back-to-School Self-Care Guide for Teachers


A Teachers’ Guide to Practicing Self-Love & Self-Care before Back-to-School

School bells are ringing, and it’s time to start gearing up for back-to-school. It is also time to start thinking about your health and well-being. In order to maintain your physical, mental, and emotional health, there are some things you can do to prepare for the upcoming academic year.


Exercise?! What you’re getting ready to head back to school. Your brain is still on “summer mode”. And, your body doesn’t seem to want to cooperate. All you can think about is sleep. So, what do I mean when I say exercise?

What I mean is that exercise can help to boost your serotine levels. It can help to reduce stress. Whether it’s walking, dancing, jogging, or hitting the gym, finding time for exercise can help you stay physically and mentally fit this school year.

Are you scared that you won’t have time to exercise after school starts? Then, go head and plan your exercise schedule. This could look like getting up 30 minutes earlier so that you can complete a quick workout. This could mean going for a walk after school. It could mean purchasing a gym membership. Staying physically fit during the school year may take some planning, but you can do.


Begin practicing mindfulness or meditation regularly. Mediating will help to reduce stress and promote a sense of calmness. What does mindfulness look like? It can look like deep breathing, doing yoga, journaling, or even guided meditation.  

Healthy Eating Habits

Pay attention to your diet. Eating healthy is a key part of having a great school year. Your body needs the right fuel in order to perform at its best. Give it that fuel by eating healthy foods.

Go on Vacation

I know it may sound crazy, but now is a great time to go on vacation. Right before you zip off to your classroom and those wonderful days with your kiddos, go on a relaxing vacation. This vacation doesn’t have to be a big one. You can do something as simple as renting a nice hotel room and spend the weekend relaxing. All that counts is that you get away for a little while and unwind.

Of course, if you want to go a little further away from home, head off to one of the great small-town vacations or go on one of those extravagant destination vacations that we all dream about.

Another idea to consider is having mini-vacations all year round. Go on a quick escape every two months or so. This will ensure that you don’t burn out. It will give you something to look forward to. And, it is a great way to escape the blahs that can easily slip in during the school year.

Get Enough Sleep

Did you know that a sleepy person is almost on the same mental level as a drunk person? Our bodies need sleep in order to function properly. And, it is during sleep that our bodies recharge.

Different people need different levels of sleep. Make getting enough sleep each night a priority. A well-rested mind is more alert and more creative.


Start a journal this school year. Journaling will allow you to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. It can also provide a therapeutic way to release that negative energy and process your feelings. So, consider journaling this school year.

I do have a Teacher’s Reflective Journal that you can purchase from Amazon. It can help you to gain some clarity on the upcoming school year.


Sit back and unwind with a good book. Reading can help to take your mind off of the stresses of the day. It can also provide a means of escape for those times when you can’t take that mini-vacation.

I love to read just before bed. It helps me to release the cares of the day. It also helps me to escape into another reality for just a few moments each day. So, grab your favorite book and get started during these days right before school starts back. Then, you can carry this habit over into the new school year.

Disconnect from Technology

I know how tempting social media is. I can spend hours scrolling through Instagram posts, checking on Facebook, and watching entertaining videos on Tik Tok. I also know how easy it is to get lost in your favorite television show. But, as we get into a healthier state this year, we need to set aside time to disconnect. Get off of social media for just a few moments. Put away your phone, computer, and other devices and enjoy the moment. Enjoy some quiet time or devote that time to your family, friends, or favorite hobby.

Hobbies and Interests

Make time for your hobbies! Just because school is starting, it doesn’t mean it’s time to forget about the things that make you happy. As educators, most of us are guilty of putting our own lives on the backburner and letting the obligations of work take over. Don’t do it this year. Make a pledge to yourself to continue to pursue your hobbies. Continue to dream your dreams.

Socialize and Connect

Stay connected with your friends and family. You are not an island. Well, you shouldn’t be. As teachers, we need a support system. So, build a network of supportive family and friends. Foster social connections. These intimate relationships can help you cope with stress and provide support during challenging times.

Create a Relaxing Environment

Create your “calm place” and escape to it often. Have an area that is your designated place to relax and unwind. It can be in your bathroom surrounded by candles and bubbles. It can be in your bedroom with a good book. It can be in your kitchen in your own little personal nook. Fill this safe space with items that bring you joy and happiness such as plants, candles, or your favorite books.

And, if it can’t be find a suitable space in your home for your quiet time. Create your own quiet time. You can do this during those early hours of the morning before anyone else gets up. You can spend that time mediating, journaling, or simply setting the mood for the day.

Plan and Organize

Before the school year starts, take some time to plan and organize your teaching materials and create your ideal schedule. Have a place for everything. You will discover that work flows easier when you have a system of organization. It can also reduce stress and make the transition back to school smoother.

Teacher Support System

Similar to an organizational system, you need an emotional support system. Some days will be trying, and you need that go to person or persons to help you handle the stress and frustrations of the job. This is your “Teacher Tribe”. Put your support system in place before you go back to school.

School is about to start again, and you need to make sure that you maintain your overall well-being. Practice self-care so that you can be the best version of yourself for your students and your coworkers.

Other Articles to Read

Simple Ways for You to Improve Your Mood This Summer:


7 Eating Habits of a Successful Teacher:


How to Eat Healthy At School:

How to EAT Healthy at School: FIVE Tips for TEACHERS

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